Cold Exposure

4 Ways

Deliberate cold exposure can be accomplished in various ways. The following are the best of many methods.

1. Underdressing During Cold Temperatures

This is the least effective way to build resilience to cold but is a great way to enhance your routine. To do this properly, dress lightly. Wear a pair of shorts with a shirt, or even a hoodie, and go for a 2-10 minute walk. If you are new to this, make sure to protect your head, ears, hands, and feet. Such morning walks guarantee a fresh and productive day.

2.Cold Water Dousing

This method is commonly practiced in Asian and Eastern European cultures and was often integrated into warrior and religious traditions. It requires one to fill a large bucket with the coldest water possible, then pouring it over the standing body from the head down twice consecutively. Cold water dousing is most effective when performed in nature with one's bare feet having direct contact with the earth. While it is permissible to do it indoors in a bathtub, it is not permissible to take a hot shower right after. It’s important to note that this method is very different from cold showers. The bucket holds more water offering the body a significantly stronger kick, making it more effective.

3. Cold Water Bathing

Cold water bathing is only growing in popularity as more and more people experience life-changing results. This method involves submerging in a bath filled with freezing water up to the neck. Ideally, this should be performed for at least 2 minutes. During that time you should attempt to regulate your breathing and achieve stillness. This can be done indoors or outdoors, whether you chose to fill your bathtub or purchase one of many cold plunges now available on the market.

4. Winter Swimming

Winter swimming is the most extreme, effective, and euphoric cold exposure method. It offers an immense amount of benefits and requires serious preparation. Winter swimming requires submerging in a natural body of water for a duration of 2 or more minutes. Afterward, you're responsible for drying and changing yourself from the wet swimsuit to warm clothing, while still out in the cold. This aspect makes the method both more difficult and possibly dangerous. Note, it is not to be practiced without research and proper guidance. Winter swimming will be covered in greater detail in an upcoming newsletter, so stay tuned.

All four of these methods should be practiced regularly to achieve physical and psychological benefits. Remember that you don’t have to stick to one. Have fun and most importantly, stay freezilient my friends!